

Why get a copyeditor?

Thursday, January 24, 2013

As you may know from my last post, I’ve been writing quite a bit lately. I’ve actually finished two stories since my last post. They’re not “Robert Jordan” long, but they are novels which I’m at work trying to get published. I’m quite happy with them and I’m having a bit of success getting them placed. I’ll keep you informed when they are out on the market.

On another subject, one more related to Tomework, I wanted to share an article that I read this morning.

Guy Kawasaki is an author who has been in the spotlight recently, specifically for his book titled “APE” (Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur). The book gives some great advice on how to get your book published. In the article he wrote (that can be found at, he lists his top ten tips on getting your book written. One of the tips is to hire a copyeditor.

Here’s what he had to say about copyeditors:
“If you’re going to self-publish your book, the worst way to try to save money is by not hiring a professional copyeditor. Copyediting is a specialized and refined skill—to use a medical analogy, only a fool would self-diagnose and self-medicate in an emergency. The goal is to produce a book that is as good as, or better, than a book from a large traditional publisher. You cannot do this without a professional copyeditor.”

It’s a great little article and worth your time to read if you’re a writer. Even though I’ve been tied up with writing lately, my Tomework doors are still open as most of my steady clients know; but, for any who are happening upon my site for the first time, send me an email at paulwroteyoder(at) (don’t forget to replace the “(at)” with “@”) describing what type of document you have for me to look at (length, subject matter, business, academic, or literature, what genre, etc.) and we’ll go from there.

Until next time, thanks for stopping by!

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