

Change of Plans

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Change of Plans

I mentioned two weeks ago that I planned to go back to college for my teaching degree. Well after finding out (two days before my first class started) that I needed to take the Praxis 1 test and two additional classes outside of the program before I could start my coursework, I took a step back and spent a good deal of time thinking about my future, what I wanted out of it, and if getting a teaching degree was really what I wanted to do.

I’ll spare you the details, but in the end it came down to this: I want to be an author. That’s been the only true dream, and only profession in life that I can truly say that I’ve want to do for a living. Teaching seemed to fit the bill for financially covering the necessities in life, but it isn’t what I feel I was made for. Writing full time is my main professional dream. It’s what I’ve aspired to do since I was 15. And I just feel that I need to chase that dream full force for a period of time.

Times are going to be tough for my family as I’m not going to be making any income, and it’s all going to fall on Nikki to support us, but she does make enough to support us, and she likes her job (which allows her to work from home). It’s a setup that society might frown upon, the wife supporting the family, but it is only temporary (our plan is to give me two full years of writing full time. If I’ve met with any success and see writing as a potential income garner, then that time frame might expand indefinitely). Besides that, though I do consider society’s judgment on issues like this (sometimes there’s a reason why so many people feel something is good or bad, and to just completely ignore the opinion of the masses would be foolish in my opinion), I don’t let it rule my, or my family’s, lifestyle.

So that’s the update! I’m going to follow my true dream! That’s pretty liberating to say. Who knows, this could work; and though, statistically speaking, it seems like an impossibility that I’d be able to support a family as an author, there’s always that slim possibility that my dream might be realized, which only increases in likelihood when you throw in a strong determination into the equation.

As far as Tomework goes, I still plan on accepting jobs, I’m just not going to be marketing. So feel free to send me an email to ask me questions about a job. I’ll make time and I’ll get to it if it’s a job I feel is a good match.

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